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Northwest Harvest
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Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Northwest Harvest!

If you have previously filled out this application and are interested in scheduling another shift, please do not submit this application again.
Instead, please contact us by sending an email to
Application fields with a red asterisk (*) are required.

A successful submission of your application is not a confirmation of a scheduled shift. All shifts must be reserved in advance, and drop-ins are not permitted.
Group or Individual Volunteer

Group Information

Personal Information

Individual Eligibility
Our minimum volunteer age is 9 years old or 3rd grade. We do not have projects for younger volunteers.

Individual volunteers who are between 9 and 15 years old must have a parent or guardian volunteer alongside them, and this person must have their own individual application on file before we can create a schedule.

In addition, Northwest Harvest cannot provide court-related community service.

Note: this information is only visible to our volunteer coordinators and IT staff.

Note: we cannot schedule you for any shifts until this person has their application on file with us.
Group Eligibility
Our minimum volunteer age is 9 years old or 3rd grade. We do not have projects for younger volunteers.

Youth 9-17 need to complete a permission form unless with a parent or guardian.

In addition, Northwest Harvest cannot provide court-related community service.

Health & Safety

Emergency Contact

Schedule & Availability

Note: the SODO Community Market in Seattle is not open on Saturdays or on most evenings (with the exception of Monday evening).

Choose one.

Choose one.
Availability Dates

Please estimate the number of service hours you would be willing to work per day, per week, per month, or overall.

Note: Northwest Harvest cannot provide any court-related community service. We can provide verification for work or school purposes but we are unable to provide any service for a court-related purpose.
Volunteering Preferences
Please select the location(s) and/or the job(s) where you would prefer to volunteer.

For details of the types of tasks and the days and times on which they are performed please see our volunteer page on our website.

If you wish to volunteer at a specific Special Event, please provide the name of the event in the "any other preferences" text field below.
Location Preference(s)
Job Preference(s)
Your Skills
Optional. Choose any that apply to you and that you'd like to contribute to Northwest Harvest.

Communication Preferences

Emergency notifications are required! As a volunteer you will receive important alert messages about your already-scheduled shifts, such as emergency closures.
Receive information on how to volunteer for a special event in the community, providing important details like how many volunteers are needed and when.
Receive the Northwest Harvest monthly e-news to learn about all of the exciting things happening in the agency.
Northwest Harvest will contact you each year to wish you a very happy birthday. Please make sure your birthdate is indicated above under Personal Information if you choose this option.

Volunteer Code of Conduct
All confirmed volunteers will be required to sign an agreement to the following rules of conduct during initial volunteer orientation.

To ensure orderly operations and to provide the best possible volunteer experience, Northwest Harvest asks and expects volunteers to follow rules of conduct that will protect the comfort and safety of all volunteers, employees, clients, and visitors.

Our mission is leading the fight for hungry people statewide to have access to nutritious food while respecting their dignity and promoting good health. Our vision is ending hunger in Washington.

I agree to:
  • Treat clients, other volunteers, visitors, and Northwest Harvest staff with kindness and respect.
  • Follow all instructions of the Northwest Harvest staff and abide by all posted rules and policies.
  • Wear closed-toed shoes at all times while at our warehouses or food bank.
  • Inform Northwest Harvest staff immediately if any type of safety issues arises.
  • Let the Northwest Harvest staff know if I am unable to work my scheduled shift.
  • (If applicable) Supervise closely any youth who I am chaperoning.
If I am volunteering at our food bank, I agree to not offer legal or medical advice to clients, and I agree to not accept personal gifts, food, beverages, favors, services or loans from clients.

Northwest Harvest Nondiscrimination Statement

It is Northwest Harvest’s policy to provide an environment that is free of harassment of any kind, including that which is based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to Northwest Harvest employees, clients, donors, and volunteers alike, and shall be enforced.

Thank you for giving your time to Northwest Harvest! We deeply appreciate you partnering with us to help end hunger in Washington.

When you hit the "Submit" button below, our volunteer team will receive your application and you'll hear from a member of our team regarding scheduling.

Holiday Closure: Northwest Harvest will be closed from February 12-18 for a week of rest. All sites will be closed during this time. We will resume regular business hours on Wednesday, February 19. Connect with 2-1-1 to learn about local food access programs or visit our statewide map. || Northwest Harvest tomará un descanso desde el Miércoles 12 de Febrero hasta el Martes 18 de Febrero, para brindar a nuestro personal una semana de descanso. Todos los sitios de Northwest Harvest estarán cerrados durante este período. Volveremos a nuestro horario habitual el Miércoles 19 de Febrero.Map