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Northwest Harvest
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The Snow Globe Holiday Concert 2022


The Royal Room

5000 Rainier Ave S

Seattle, WA 98118


6:30 pm

The 8th Annual Snow Globe Holiday Concert - featuring performances by Krisin Chambers + The Mack Grout Trio and more Seattle artists

Holiday Closure: Northwest Harvest will be closed from February 12-18 for a week of rest. All sites will be closed during this time. We will resume regular business hours on Wednesday, February 19. Connect with 2-1-1 to learn about local food access programs or visit our statewide map. || Northwest Harvest tomará un descanso desde el Miércoles 12 de Febrero hasta el Martes 18 de Febrero, para brindar a nuestro personal una semana de descanso. Todos los sitios de Northwest Harvest estarán cerrados durante este período. Volveremos a nuestro horario habitual el Miércoles 19 de Febrero.Map