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24th Annual KING 5 Home Team Harvest

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24th Annual Home Team Harvest

We are excited to announce that this year marks the 24th annual Home Team Harvest! From now through the end of December, KING 5 will highlight inspiring stories from our partners’ dedicated work and community collaboration throughout the Puget Sound region. Tune in for the live broadcast special on Sunday, November 24, 9-10am, PST. Blitz helps volunteer load food donations into binYou can show your support for Home Team Harvest by donating online, hosting a food drive, attending an event, or making a contribution at the register when shopping at your local Safeway/Albertsons!

  • November 24 | KING 5 Home Team Harvest Food & Funds Drive
    • In-person donations can be made at these convenient locations on Nov. 24 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
      • Central Seattle: [WALK UP ONLY] Lumen Field | 800 Occidental Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134
      • Bothell: [WALK UP & DRIVE THROUGH] Feeding Feasible Feasts at Bothell United Methodist Church | 18515 92nd Ave NE, Bothell, WA 98011 
      • South Seattle: [WALK UP & DRIVE THROUGH] Rainier Beach Safeway | 9262 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118  
      • Tacoma: [WALK UP & DRIVE THROUGH] Eloise’s Cooking Pot, 10303 Portland Ave E, Tacoma, WA 98445
  • November 24 | KING 5 Home Team Harvest Broadcast Special
    • Tune in to KING 5 on Sunday, Nov. 24, at 9 a.m. for a one-hour broadcast special to see how your support for Home Team Harvest helps change lives in our community.
  • October 26-December 31 | Safeway Gift Card Program
    • Donate right on the pin-pad when you check out at your local Safeway store. These donations go towards grocery cards and will provide much-needed funding that will be distributed to Northwest Harvest and their partner programs across Washington.
  • November 30 | STG Presents: Seattle’s Last Waltz Tribute
  • December 20 | Snow Globe Holiday Concert


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An estimated 1 in 10 Washington households are facing food insecurity. Northwest Harvest, and our partners at KING 5 recognize that it takes more than food to end hunger. Together we are dedicated to ending hunger by addressing the root causes of poverty AND getting food where it is most needed- to every county in Washington, working with a statewide network of 350 food banks, meal programs, and schools.

Hunger is not just the absence of food; it is the absence of justice. Join us as we partner with KING 5, Safeway, the Seattle Seahawks, Providence-Swedish, Kitsap Credit Union and WARM 106.9 to end hunger and address the root causes of poverty.

Holiday Closure: Northwest Harvest will be closed from February 12-18 for a week of rest. All sites will be closed during this time. We will resume regular business hours on Wednesday, February 19. Connect with 2-1-1 to learn about local food access programs or visit our statewide map. || Northwest Harvest tomará un descanso desde el Miércoles 12 de Febrero hasta el Martes 18 de Febrero, para brindar a nuestro personal una semana de descanso. Todos los sitios de Northwest Harvest estarán cerrados durante este período. Volveremos a nuestro horario habitual el Miércoles 19 de Febrero.Map