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Take 5 Minutes to Help Stop SNAP Cuts

This week, both the House and the Senate take big steps towards slashing safety net programs, including SNAP (“food stamps”), school meals, Social Security, and other important investments that help struggling and middle-class Americans.

The House is set to vote on their budget resolution this Thursday. This resolution would cut SNAP by more than $150 billion over the next ten years. The resolution also slashes the ability of the Community Eligibility Provision to help high need, high poverty schools provide free meals to all students and includes reconciliation orders to cut $200 billion from mandatory spending programs including Social Security, school meals, and health care.

The Senate Budget Committee will be voting on their budget resolution on Wednesday. This resolution also proposes hurtful cuts to basic needs services.

These cuts in both the House and Senate budgets are offered to offset more than a trillion dollars in tax cuts that are heavily tilted towards benefiting the wealthiest individuals and corporations. According to some studies, 80% of the Senate’s proposed tax cuts would benefit the wealthiest 1% (incomes of $700,000 or higher) and wealthiest 0.5% (incomes of more than $3.8 million) while offering little to no discernable benefit to struggling, working families. In some cases, struggling households will actually have to pay more in taxes while at the same time experiencing cuts to the resources that help them buy food to feed their families or pay the rent to keep a roof over their heads.

Both budget resolutions would fast track these tax cuts, meaning that they streamline procedural hurdles and could pass out of the Senate with just 51 votes, making it easier for the President to sign these tax cuts into law.

Budgets should reflect American values. If we value ensuring that all Americans have enough food to meet their basic nutritional needs, have access to affordable health care, and live in safe and affordable housing, then we must stop these dangerous proposals in their tracks. It takes our collective voice to speak out against tax cuts that benefit so few at the expense of so many in ways that threaten resources that help with basic needs. Please join us by speaking out today.