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No Table Too Small

This past summer, Northwest Harvest’s Nutrition Programs Manager, Laura Titzer, published No Table Too Small. Laura’s book addresses how people decide to engage to create social change. “There is a growing need to redefine what collaboration means on a daily basis,” says Laura. “Which I find myself regularly doing with Northwest Harvest’s Hunger Response Network.”

Based on the fundamental premise that real and sustained change requires everyone to be at the table—especially when dealing with complex issues like hunger and poverty, Laura thinks about the capabilities outlined in her book on almost a daily basis and the philosophies within it guide her interactions with customers of food banks, food bank staff, and the community partners Northwest Harvest work with every day.

“Social change requires relentless incrementalism with both a strong heart and patience. It has no room for ego or hierarchies.” Laura added, “It demands us to be great listeners with the ability to remain curious.” No Table Too Small walks its readers through six capabilities that people can use with individuals, groups, and organizations to effect change in any system.

Laura’s book can be found at any Third Place Books location as well as at